Market Forecast

Forecasting analysis informs your strategic planning process, performance management and target-setting with independent and unbiased projections of future demand. 

What is the expected growth rate until 2025? Is the industry expected to grow faster in the next 5 years? Which changes will have an impact on my business model in the future?

 How Market Forecast Can Help

Establish a baseline forecast

Identify the most likely future scenario and the countries, categories or channels with the highest future sales potential.

Know what can be influenced

Identify demand factors and measure their growth contribution. Know what is out of your control and plan strategy accordingly.

Test scenarios and evaluate outcomes

Discover how changes in the economy, competition, costs or prices will impact your baseline.


Assessment of footwear niche market in Top 15 countries based on consumer surveys, market data and prediction model.


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    Call us today at +2 (02) 2622-5959 or fill out the form below.

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